Tertulias in Spanish because our language is culture.

Spanish, the Latin American variants, the cultures that travel with it and our diverse artistic and cultural manifestations, bringing here in Montreal textures and a rich effervescence to all of society.
This language that we bring as Spanish-speaking Latin American immigrants, which differentiates us and unites us as a community without uniforming us, is our legacy and we are celebrating it together.
Tertulias in Spanish with references from our cultures we will be talking about our life paths and our origins in artistic composition. The word as a spark that ignites, that provokes, that arrives. The language, as a legacy that is refracted in our creative processes, what it means to be a Latin American artist in Montreal, what it means to live among languages and to be citizens of diverse communities of speakers.
October 22 - LITERATURE: "Language and origin" - Maria Teresa Andruetto (INVITDA DE HONOR) and Nadina Barbieri
October 9 - DANCE: "Dance and word" - Carmen Ruiz ant Laura Carli
October 10 - CINEMA: "Language and origin, what singularity do they install in the cinematographic?" - Andres Livov and Laura Bari
October 15 - MUSIC: "Music, blessed music" - Boogát and Sebastian Mejia (Gypsukumbia)

"There is a crack in everything / that's how the light comes in," says Leonard Cohen, "so that's where I'd like to look" Maria Teresa Andrueto
With this sentence, María Teresa Andruetto, opens her masterful closing speech of the VIII International Congress of the language in Córdoba in 2019 https://www.lavoz.com.ar/numero-cero/completo-magistral-discurso-de-maria-teresa-andruetto-para-cierre-del-congreso-de-lengua
Her work, her thought and her look into the fissures of the tongue where the light seems to enter have inspired us in the foundation of Legacies.
A reference in the writing of women in Argentina and an indispensable name in literature for children and young people, she has received the Hans Christian Andersen Award, the Ibero-American Award for the trajectory in Children's Literature given by SM and the Novel Award from the National Fund for the Arts.
Her work has inspired many artists to make short films, poetic musicals, illustrations, choreography, oral drama and plays.
With lucidity and clarity she is capable of transmitting complex reflections about language, art, the public sphere, the formation of readers, the profession and the singular vocation of writing.
Andruetto gives lectures in numerous undergraduate and graduate training spaces and is a guest author at congresses, fairs and conferences in her country and abroad.
Her extensive literary work includes, among other titles, Lengua madre (2010), La mujer en cuestión (2009), Stefano (1998).
And for a younger audience among others, El anillo encantado (1993), Huellas en la arena (1998), La mujer vampiro (2000), Benjamino (2003), El país de Juan (2003), Veladuras (2004), Solgo (2004), Trenes (2007), La durmiente (2008), La Niña, el Corazón y la Casa (2011) y El Caballo de Chuang Tzu (2012)

"Every child, regardless of race, language or religion, has the right to listen to the most beautiful stories of the oral tradition of peoples, especially those that stimulate their imagination and critical capacity".
(Children's rights to listen to stories)
Nadina Barbieri is an oral narrator, reading mediator, cultural animator and trainer. She is based in Río Ceballos, Córdoba - Argentina.
She participated in the beginning of Legados, providing training in Reading Encouragement and oral tradition. She selected the bibliographic material for the creation of the Legacy Library, strengthening from literature the proposal of teaching and transmission of the Language and Culture with which this project was born.
Since 2002, she has been promoting and disseminating orality through activities, pedagogical and community projects. It gives workshops for children, young people and adults. It works with families at risk. It participates and organizes projects related to "Memory and Human Rights". Develops experiences related to matroliteracy: breastfeeding and the value of words in emotional bonds.

She was born in Colombia. She is a movement artist, trained in contemporary dance and literature, with extensive professional experience as a dancer of Latin American and Colombian folk dances. Mother, traveler and creator, it is Carmen who orchestrates the Gypsy Kumbia Orchestra.
All the talks will be screened on Legacies' Facebook live at 7pm and we will have surprises for those who register before the broadcast of the event.

She was born in Argentina. Her childhood was greatly influenced by the tango music she listened to with her grandparents. She studied for 8 years at the conservatory of music in Mendoza (Argentina) and took classes in contemporary dance, salsa and flamenco in Argentina before entering the tango.
During the last 10 years, Laura has been perfecting her technique thanks to the great Argentinean and Montreal masters. Her quest is to understand the mechanics of movement and to be able to express herself through music. Laura has also worked as a tango DJ at international tango events in Montreal.

He was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he studied opera direction at the prestigious Teatro Colón. He has a degree in Fine Arts from York University in Toronto. In 2005, he was invited to participate in the Berlinale Talent Campus at the 55th Berlin International Film Festival. Welcome to Los Pereyra, his first full-length documentary film, was presented at festivals in Amsterdam, Montreal, Buenos Aires, Calgary, Kiev, Havana and Santiago. His short film Letters to the Prime Minister was the winner in 2015 of the Regard sur Montréal residence. La langue est donc une histoire d'amour is his second feature film.
Learn more about Andrés and his documentary « La langue est donc une histoire d’amour » (content available only in French).

Originally from Argentina, filmmaker, writer and producer, currently lives in Montreal, where she founded Besofilm and where, since 1990, she has been a professor at the Cégep Educatif des Etudes Superieures du Vieux Montréal. Fascinated by uniqueness and difference, she chooses filmmaking as a way to merge the arts, culture and mental health. She has recently completed a trilogy of feature films; sensitive portraits of survivors. Primas documental, experimental with a two-time story and two territories, Argentina and Canada 2017.

He is a Mexican-Canadian musician from Montreal, Quebec, whose style mixes hip hop with Latin music styles such as cumbia and reggaeton. He won the Juno World Music Album of the Year Award for his album Neo-Reconquista at the Juno 2016 and ADISQ 2016 Awards.

The Gypsykumbia Orchestra is an explosion of music and dance, circus and imagination. Part of an international cumbiero movement, the orchestra fuses the rhythms and percussions of the Colombian Caribbean with influences from around the world, uniting them in a creative chaos that makes people dream and dance. Sebastian Mejia is their artistic director.